Thursday, July 29, 2010

T-49 days and counting...

-Buy plane tickets
-Buy plane tickets from Bangkok to Chiang Mai through Air Asia
-Find a family member willing to pay our storage rent every month
- Get shots (Typhoid, Hep A, Tetanis) Waiting on this until we get to Asia, and we're on the fence about whether to get them anyway.
-Buy backpacks

-Buy walking/hiking shoes I'm using my same shoes I've had; Wesley has picked out his and just needs to pick them up.
-Get passports I have mine, still waiting on Wesley's. Pray that we get it SOON.
-Get essentials: travel clothing, travel items ( clothesline, drain stopper, toilet paper, travel towels, earplugs, laptop, bug spray, sunscreen Will get in Asia)
-Get enough money pledged/donated to last the full six months in SE Asia (estimated to be a minimum of about $1,000/month if no major travel in that month... currently need $4,000 $3,??? $2,??? more for the minimum.
-Save enough money for a plane ticket back home, as the plane tickets we bought are one way. (estimated: $1,000-$2,000).
- Find a temporary home for our puggles.
- Get plane tickets from Gulfport to California


I love crossing things off my list.

I haven't been blogging here much because we are currently in the stages of transferring my blog to the Revolutionary Life website. But, if that doesn't happen within the next few days, expect a nostalgic, sad, and bittersweet post concerning how I feel about moving out of our first home as a married couple.

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