Friday, July 2, 2010


James 1:6
But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.

Buy plane tickets
-Buy plane tickets from Bangkok to Chiang Mai through Air Asia
- Find a family member willing to pay our storage rent every month
-Get shots (Typhoid, make sure we have had Hep A,B,C shots, Tetanis)
- Buy backpacks
-Buy walking/hiking shoes
-Get passports (in process)
-Get essentials: travel clothing, travel items (clothesline, drain stopper, toilet paper, travel towels (1), earplugs, laptop, bug spray, sunscreen)
-Get enough money pledged/donated to last the full six months in SE Asia (estimated to be a minimum of about $1,000/month if no major travel in that month... currently need $4,000 $3,??? more for the minimum.
-Save enough money for a plane ticket back home, as the plane tickets we bought are one way. (estimated: $1,000-$2,000).
-Find a temporary home for our puggles.


Praise GOD that we have found someone willing to keep our puggles! I am, however, still being the apprehensive mommy. Please, pray that our "children" will be safe while we're gone :)

I have been in awe of God's provision. He continues to amaze me. I was feeling discouraged a couple weeks ago. My dear friend Becky encouraged me by telling me stories of how God provided for her mother in times of financial stress. I was encouraged by the stories and began believing for the money.

The very next day, someone handed us a check for $320! Yesterday, $150 came in! This morning at Wesley's work, there was a drawing and guess who won a $100 Visa gift card? Wesley, of course!

I am waiting for a recent updated report of the money we have received, but we are definitely under $4,000 needed for the trip! Yay!

Our second biggest need right now besides the money for the trip is a laptop. Mine died about a year ago and we never had the extra money to get another one. But guess what? I KNOW we're going to have enough money to purchase the laptop we need. Dusty with Revolutionary Life encouraged me to begin speaking the things that I believe. That's difficult for me, I'm not going to lie. It's not that I don't believe in my heart that God will provide (although my faith does waiver sometimes), but speaking it out loud is foreign and awkward for me. Dusty gave me some great verses that support speaking our needs into existance. Unfortunately, I didn't write them down =( But it is Biblical to verbally state your needs and state that you BELIEVE you will RECEIVE.

So, the next step in our fundraising is to have a yard sale this Saturday and Sunday! I am believing for a good turn out to raise funds as well as raise awareness for Revolutionary Life!